Don’t Be Too Proud to Ask For Financial Help

Asking for financial help can be tricky. If you’re in a position where you need to ask for help, you may feel embarrassed or inadequate about your financial abilities, making you feel vulnerable. As much as we hear about finances, investing, and creating wealth, money still tends to be a taboo subject; one many people don’t want to discuss with family or friends for fear of being judged. Or simply because they want to protect their privacy.

But asking for help actually reveals your strength, not your weakness. Why? Staying uninformed and not seeking help doesn’t do anything to benefit you; instead it causes you more harm. Asking for help means you’re ready to be strong enough to put yourself out there and seek the support you need to finally make changes. It also allows the people who are willing and able to help you the opportunity to do so.

We’re usually so open to ask for help in other areas. Need a new job? You probably have no trouble asking someone to share your resume. Need an introduction to someone? Just ask a mutual friend; you’d do it in a heartbeat. But talking about money comes with a host of fears. Fears of being judged. Fears of overstepping your friendship boundaries. Fears of being seen as too needy. Fears of being vulnerable and revealing that we actually struggle and don’t have it all together.

You’re far from alone

What you usually don’t realize is that others have probably been in similar financial situations and can relate to how you feel. If you’re seeking their help, then they managed to get past their fears and seek help and knowledge from someone else to improve their finances.

Asking for financial help can include everything from asking for a loan to asking advice about investing and saving. Whatever position you’re in, there are people who are both willing and able to help you and would love the pleasure of doing so; if only you’d ask.

If you continue to hold back and refuse to ask for help, your financial situation won’t improve. In fact, it will most likely become worse.

How to ask

When asking for help, first determine what kind of help you’d like. Do you need a loan to handle an immediate need or just some advice on how to better budget? Then determine the best people to ask. A family member, a friend, a coworker, or maybe a stranger, someone who works at a financial institution.

To help alleviate your fears, practice what you’re going to say. Try different approaches until you find one you’re comfortable with then practice it over and over. Preparing what you’ll say in advance will help you feel stronger and more confident when the time finally comes. Finally, schedule a time to talk to the person you’re seeking help from. Let them know you have something to discuss with them and ask what a good time is. Remember, you’re making a request for help so don’t corner them at an inconvenient time.

Asking for help allows others to share their advice and knowledge with you, making both your lives richer. And holding back only makes your life poorer.

Emilie is the brains, the brawn, and the beauty behind She Does Better, inspiring millennial women to live financially, physically, and professionally fit lives. She writes about overcoming debt, while balancing trying to eat healthy, stay fit, and have a little fun along the way. Read more about her journey here.

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