Clearpoint Contributes to HOPENOW Military Housing Podcasts

Clearpoint has partnered with HOPENOW, an alliance of “counselors, mortgage companies, investors, and other mortgage market participants” to create a series of podcasts geared toward educating our servicemen and women about housing and the unique situations and challenges they face. Our very own Ray Pennie, Vice President of Business Development and a former member of the Navy, took the lead as host and interviewed a variety of commentators and thought leaders throughout the series.

The group of podcasts covers a variety of relevant topics, and each explores its topic in depth to provide as much information as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will be releasing each podcast, along with a brief article with extra information about the topic at hand. If you’re in a hurry to hear them all, you can visit the military podcasts page now, but we encourage you to check back for the blog updates, too! Here’s a list of the episodes:

  • Podcast 1: Familiarizing you with basic mortgage terms and language.
  • Podcast 2: Military Affiliates answer questions from active duty military members about mortgage issues.
  • Podcast 3: How to ask for help when experiencing financial difficulties, focusing on assistance available to active-duty homeowners.
  • Podcast 4: Exploring ways the VA can provide assistance with your mortgage challenges.
  • Podcast 5: How non-profits provide assistance to military and veteran homeowners.
  • Podcast 6: All about short sales – when they are a good option for active-duty service members.
  • Podcast 7: Veterans discuss the issues surrounding owning a second home while serving in the military.
  • Podcast 8: An officer discusses strategies for homeownership as an investment.

Learn More

If you would like more financial resources geared toward active duty service members and veterans, we encourage you to learn more about our Reconnect program. On the other hand, if you would like to learn more about providing financial education to your members or constituents, we invite you to reach out to our Business Development team.

Thomas Bright is a longstanding Clearpoint blogger and student loan repayment aficionado who hopes that his writing can simplify complex subjects. When he’s not writing, you’ll find him hiking, running or reading philosophy. You can follow him on Twitter.

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